In this small village located inside the Lucano Apennine National Park, on the last Sunday before Mardi Gras people dress up as u rumit (the hermit). This disguise, also considered to be an arboreal ritual, represents a man fully covered in heather leaves. Spontaneously, at dawn, these walking bushes come out of the forest and reach the village streets. They knock on every door with their fruscio, a wooden stick with a holly tip. Those who receive his visit have to respect his silence and offer him some food or money. If you are interested in this traditional ritual, visit Satriano on the morning of the 3rd of March 2019.
Along the decades, people have attributed many different meanings to this character. Before the Second World War people thought he was a sort of Franciscan spirit, a hermit, someone who use to live on the border of the village and get out of the woods after the cold winter. Immigration then compared him to the people from Satriano who hadn’t had the chance to leave Basilicata and had been left in complete poverty, wandering along the streets in search of food and dressed in header not to be recognized by anybody. But now, through the rumit, the new generations want to leave a universal message aiming at changing their values and restoring a more authentic, almost ancient relationship with the Earth, to respect mankind. Our planet has existed for billions of years and will continue existing beyond mankind.
According to the latest report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 95% of global warming is caused by our actions.
Following the documentary “Alberi” by the director Michelangelo Frammartino, presented in April at the New York MoMa during the Tribeca Film Festival, where for the first time one hundred rumit together invaded a square to give back to nature what men has taken from it, on the 3rd of March 2019 we will recreate a WALKING FOREST. If you want to share this moment with us and help us spread this message, join us and dress up as a rumit.
Find out how to become a rumit for one day. Info and bookings: +39 3295320026 - Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.